Jeff Dyck, CFP®, CLU, TEP, FEA
VP, Insurance & Estate Planning
With over 25 years of experience working with business owners and affluent families, I take pride in providing expert advice on risk mitigation, tax strategies, life insurance, and estate planning.
By leveraging my relationships with some of Canada’s leading tax and legal practitioners, I am able to work with clients from our Integrated Advisory network to identify opportunities to increase their financial growth and security.
Question & Answers
My father was the inspiration for my career in the financial services business. He enjoyed a very successful career in the life insurance business and became the youngest president of a life insurance company in Canada (and still holds this distinction). Our paths varied quite dramatically with the sophistication of planning solutions and product choice - but the underlying reason of why I do what I do is the same: a passion for securing the financial future for families, their businesses, and their charities of choice for generations.
Knowledge, professionalism, leadership, courtesy, empathy, lightheartedness, and a sense of humour.
I spend as much time as possible with my wife Andrea and my two adult children, doing anything they are up for.
I enjoy mountain biking and waterskiing with my friends. Camping with family and friends is my happy place.